Very powerful. Not a book for everybody.


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Not many would understand and accept this book for what it is.
This cunning, ruthless, and instructive book synthesises the philosophies of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and Carl Von Clausewitz with the historical legacies of political leaders, warriors, seducers throughout the ages.
It’s a compendium of strategies to gain and keep the power you deserve amongst others. Before opening this book, I’d suggest keeping your mind open as some of the concepts written in this book can be easily misinterpreted.

The best Charlie Munger’s speeches. A pearl of Wisdom.


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If you could paint the story of Charlie Munger, you would not write just a book, an investment guide or an autobiography. The best way to gather all his accomplishments and pearl of wisdom is to put them into an almanack such as this one. This is one of the best books I ever read and continue to read today. It doesn’t matter if you are into investing or not. When I feel lost and don’t know what my next step is going to be, I open this book, and suddenly I find the answer I seek. As Munger says ” Go to bed a little bit wiser than when you woke up”.

Unlock your passions and become a master of your craft.


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The ultimate form of power is mastery itself. The author has gathered the lives of masters like Charles Darwin, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Mozart, Prust and Leonard da Vinci, and debunks our culture’s many myths about genius and distils the knowledge of the ages to reveal the secret to greatness. You will examine how to unlock the passion inside you and figure out how to become a master of your crafts. Another great book from Greene.